A Word from Pastor Wendell Knight

Pathway to Health was born out of a desire and passion to see people healed and delivered from physical and emotional sickness and diseases.  My husband, Pastor Wendell Knight believed that there was a spiritual dimension to most of the illnesses that we see today.  We both learned that what the Bible has to say about divine healing is true yesterday, today, and forever.  It is God’s will that we be healed!

In late 2000, as Pastor Wendell began to seek God as to why more people were not being healed and were not keeping their healing, new truths were revealed to him through the Holy Spirit of God. 

The discovery of the spiritual root causes of disease presented by Dr. Henry Wright of Be in Health Ministries led him to recognize that there was a reason that people were not being healed more than they were.  We were searching the physical, relying on doctors and psychologists for our healings.  We had totally bypassed the spiritual part of man.  We are body, soul, and spirit; but we were missing it by not addressing the spirit of man.

Once these truths were revealed to him, Pastor Wendell began to teach them in our church.  We started meetings and conferences to get this word out that God had given to him.  He started with one-on-one ministry to those that were in need and those that God sent to him through the workplace. It expanded from there.

In 2007 we founded Pathway to Health, a nonprofit 501c3 corporation and we began traveling, presenting our two-day conferences to wherever God opened the door. 

Our Road to Freedom conferences were accepted in many places; not so much in others!  These teachings were new and fresh and renewed God’s people; they were Biblically based and taught in such a way that all could understand. 

Unfortunately, my beloved husband Pastor Wendell Knight passed away on January 3, 2022, at the age of 79. I believe that he left behind a legacy that should continue. I know that God wants to use this ministry to encourage, edify and give hope to others.

I hope that you will join with us to help bring these truths to others through your prayers and support of Pathway to Health.

Ephesians 3:20

Now unto Him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us.

Linda Knight